Friday, July 13, 2007

Expecto Patronum.

So apparently JK broke down and started crying while completing Deathly Hallows.

"When I finished one chapter near the end I absolutely howled," Rowling said. "I was sobbing my heart out, I was in a hotel room on my own. I downed half a bottle of champagne from the mini bar in one and went home with mascara all over my face. That was really tough."

She says she's gonna kill off at least two of the "main" characters.I'm guessing Hagrid and Voldemort.I have no idea why.I just think she wouldn't kill off the kids.Hey,maybe she thinks Nearly Headless Nick is a main character too.No wait,that would'nt work.

Cheap Plug:The Deathly Hallows is the final book of the Harry Potter series. Almost 325 million copies of the first six books have been sold worldwide, making Rowling the first "billionaire" author.

She's made reading cool again.Cheers to that.

Until next time.


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