Saturday, June 30, 2007

Not another Music Rant.

Download "Hard Road" by The Shore.While you're at it,download "Take what's mine" and "Hold on" too.Hell,download their whole album.

Note:Download,NOT buy.

Not because you download music anyway,but because you cant buy it even if you wanted to.That's because The Shore didn't have a record deal till only a short while back.

It's a shame that a solid band like The Shore took this long to get a record deal.See,this is exactly what's wrong with the Music Industry.The crazy old guy was right.MTV is to music what KFC is to chicken!

Songs called "I wanna have your baby","I wanna fuck you" and "Buy you a drink" get hours of radio airplay,while these brilliant unsigned bands sit around waiting for that phone call.Maybe I should get a tan and write a song about the pros and cons of anal sex.I could finally buy that Island I always wanted.

Not-so random fact:There is a sub genre called "Coke-rap".Pretty self explanatory.The lyrics deal with the trouble these guys have to put up with to buy coke.And they want to ban smoking in movies.Sheesh!

Ever wondered how suddenly being a "skank" is "cool"? How "slutty" is the new "classy"? Hard to miss.The only way "Hip Hop" music has REALLY touched lives is that it probably helped a lot of talentless,fat groupies with a 5 page long criminal record,get laid.Amen to that.I wonder if these musicians ever reflect on the lives they've ruined through their rants.I'm not going to call it lyrics,coz you gotta make "music" to have lyrics.Here I go again.Guess it really does bother me.

Still,everyone's entitled to their own kinda music.You have every right to like Hip Hop.But just so you know,it's not music.

PS:I'm digging the Dirty Pretty Things lately.I hope Pete kicks that habit and reforms the Libertines.It is of course,not going to happen.Kate Moss will be Pete's Yoko Ono,and they won't need a reason to end up naked on a bed in a New York furniture shop.No wonder I always rooted for Carl Barat all those years.

Rock n Roll,baby!

Until next time.


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